Sailing Team Building

¿Looking for the best Team Building activity in Barcelona ?

After some years working as a consultant, travelling, participating on international environments and specially, after having sailed in Atyla, I’m organising, along with Escola Port nautic school, an unique Sailing Team Building activity that brings together adventures with personal growth.

Mejor team building de barcelona

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Participantes go sailing carrying out all the maneuvers on their own. After having finished the sailing regatta, we’ll facilitate some games or debate in order to integrate and learn all the soft skills that were used during the activity.

¿Sailing Team Building?

Team Building activities have ended being a mere leisure days without any purpose or value.

In La Vuelta en Vela we believe that there are 8 soft skills that are essential for our professional and personal lifes, and we want to take advantage of the fun of a sailing team building activity in order to bring together adventures with personal development.

¿What is a Team Building?

I’s and activity done out of the work environment with the aim of improving the teamwork and cohesion between workmates.

I’ve worked many years as a consultant and I have to deal with many people, from many different countries and with very different profiles.

However, it was after sailing in Atyla that I realised that there are some soft skills that make a great impact in how all these interactions take place.

I believe that sailing can be a very enriching activity if you focus on it from a learning perspective, and that’s why I’m organising this type of Sailing Team Buildings in Barcelona.

We want it to be a very participative activity, that’s why there are usually no more than 5 people on each boat.

Sailing Team Building in Barcelona

Some J80 sailing boats in a regatta.

Team Building & Soft Skills Development

Sailing is an adventurous sport that invites us to come out from our confort zone and generates ideal situations where certain soft skills can be trained and improved.

The participants, because of the nature of the activity, will be force to work as a team, to communicate, to take decisions and even their resilience and autocontrol could be tested.

Our sailing team building approach proposes to use all this circumstances so, once the activity has finished, a game/debate is carried out giving some space to the participants to reflect and learn from all what has happened during the morning.

The key differentiation of our proposal is that during all the activity there is a coach with the participants, so the learning and personal growth part is present in every moment.

Summarising, the agenda for the sailing team building activity in Barcelona, is:


  • 09:05: Welcome and breakfast

  • 09:30: Briefings: sailing, safety and from the coach

  • 10:15: Sailing activity start
  • 13:15: Reflection activity with coach
  • 14:00: Lunch (optional)

About the sailing activity

After the safety briefings required to participate in the sailing team building activity, the coach will carry out a short introduction to the 8 soft skills that we consider essential and that are practiced during the sailing.

Participants are encouraged to be specially conscious during the activity about the situations they face and which of the skills the use to solve them.

We sail, usually, in 8 meters long J80 sailing boats, trying to keep a maximum of 5 people in each boat.

The activity is carried out in the very center of Barcelona, in the Port Olimpic.

We will learn the basic notions of how sails work and their positions depending on the winds, to finish the activity with a sailing regatta (race).

After being back into the safe waters of the port, the coach will lead a reflection debate in order to review the situations that happened in the water and the soft skills that where put in practice in order to solve them.

What is included

The price includes all what is required for the Team Building activity to be a success. Summarising:








J80 Boats

90/ participant
  • From June to September
  • J80 racing boats
  • Up to 18 participants


110/ participant
  • All year
  • Cruiser sailing boats
  • 20 to 50 participants
Extras Precio
Regatta Pack: Zodiac + Jury + Coordination + 700€
Extra participant + 60€
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The 8 soft skills that we believe are essential for our personal and profesional paths are the following ones.

A sailing activity is a perfect scenario where these can be practiced and improved.


La capacidad tanto de transmitir ideas así como de practicar la escucha activa y la asertividad.

Actividad team building en barcelona con velerosTeamwork

Desarrollar la empatía y el respeto aceptando la crítica constructiva para llevar a cabo tareas en equipo.

Inteligencia emocional habilidad team building Emotional Intelligence

La capacidad de observar nuestras emociones y las de otras personas para comprenderla y actuar en consecuencia.


Las habilidades sociales, la toma de decisiones, asumir riesgos y ser capaz de motivar a las personas.

Pensamiento crítico Critical Thinking

La capacidad de reflexionar, analizar y aplicar el razonamiento lógico ante diferentes situaciones.

Velero team building, responsabilidad soft skillResponsability

Nuestros actos afectan a los demás, y viceversa. Es el valor por el que asumimos un compromiso en comunidad.

Resiliencia habilidades blandas Resiliency

Es la forma en la que reaccionamos y nos adaptamos frente a situaciones difíciles que se nos pueden presentar.

Coraje habilidad que se trabaja en nuestro team building en velero Courage

No es no tener miedo, si no la forma en la que nos enfrentamos a las situaciones que nos desafían.



After having carried out some events, we have realised that our hypothesis was correct.

Muchas de las situaciones y escenarios que ocurren durante el team building a vela son equiparables a las que ocurren en el día a día de las empresas.

Hemos visto directivos de empresas reflexionar sobre cómo la táctica y la técnica son tan importantes en una regata como en una empresa.

Cuando los participantes no tienen un objetivo claro o no saben exactamente a dónde tienen que navegar (táctica), la embarcación no avanza.

Igual que cuando en una organización los empleados no conocen los valores o el propósito de su propia empresa, los resultados no son bueno.

O cuando los tripulantes, sabiendo bien dónde está la boya en la que tienen que virar, no son capaces de hacer navegar el barco porque no conocen bien la maniobra (técnica).

Situación tan habitual hoy en día en las empresas, con un ratio de rotación nunca antes visto, donde el conocimiento y el talento es cada vez más difícil retenerlo.

La actividad de team building en velero nos sirve no solo para divertirnos, si no también para plantearnos este tipo de cuestiones y reflexionar sobre cómo se están dando en nuestra propia organización.

Si sois un equipo y queréis hacer una actividad única y diferente en el corazón de Barcelona esta es vuestra oportunidad.

Una actividad de team building en velero que os dará que contar, generará lazos entre los participantes y un buen aprendizaje, a lo que hay que sumar la indudable buena vibra que tiene el navegar en un velero.

El resumen es que disfrutaremos de una mañana de navegación, mar y velero para llevarnos a casa un aprendizaje.


Lo mejor es que me escribas o me llames para charlar y aclarar dudas sobre la actividad o comentar la salida.

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Se abonará el 50% del importe a modo de reserva. El mismo día de la actividad se podrá pagar el 50% restante.


Hasta 72 horas antes se podrá cancelar sin justificación y se devolverá el 100% del importe de la reserva.


Cualquier desperfecto en las embarcaciones que sea producida por acciones o actitudes imprudentes o negligentes por parte de los tripulantes irá a cargo de los mismos.


El planteamiento y la metodología que se plantea en esta propuesta de team building está inspirada en la Fundación Barco Atyla, goleta de madera cuya misión es promover estas habilidades vitales y concienciar sobre su importancia a través de vivir una experiencia a bordo.

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